[2] [6] Google Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. Astro Malaysia IPO Update: Astro Malaysia unveils draft prospectus, plans to use 58% of the money that would potentially be raised for capital expenditure, 29.3% for repayment of bank borrowings, 8.6% for working capital and the rest for paying off its listing expenses EX-date: 22/06/2012: Entitlement date: 26/06/2012: Entitlement time: 05:00:00 PM: Entitlement subject: Final Dividend: Entitlement description: Final dividend of 12.5% (or 2.5 sen) per ordinary share of RM0.20 each under the single tier system for the financial year ended 31 December 2011. 信托基金: 分别在今年的五月份卖出 PRSF 1801.89 units 和八月份卖出 PITTIKAL 23332.58 units。 赚幅:PRSF (12.5%); PITTIKAL (1%) 卖出原因:想套现来加码股票以及将部分资金用来添置新屋家私。 股票: 共有 11次买入的动作,1次卖出。
沪深a股共3568支,上市3年以上的2733支,统计中排除上市不满三年的股票。 按照复权价格计算其从上市至今的年化收益率。 网易股票频道,实用可靠的股票投资平台和社区,做影响股价的资讯 新浪股票提供最权威及时的证券资讯,7x24小时全球股票市场报价,拥有人气最旺的华人股票博客、论坛和股吧,机构研报精华 Astro Malaysia IPO Update: Astro Malaysia unveils draft prospectus, plans to use 58% of the money that would potentially be raised for capital expenditure, 29.3% for repayment of bank borrowings, 8.6% for working capital and the rest for paying off its listing expenses
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Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. Astro Malaysia IPO Update: Astro Malaysia unveils draft prospectus, plans to use 58% of the money that would potentially be raised for capital expenditure, 29.3% for repayment of bank borrowings, 8.6% for working capital and the rest for paying off its listing expenses EX-date: 22/06/2012: Entitlement date: 26/06/2012: Entitlement time: 05:00:00 PM: Entitlement subject: Final Dividend: Entitlement description: Final dividend of 12.5% (or 2.5 sen) per ordinary share of RM0.20 each under the single tier system for the financial year ended 31 December 2011.